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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim


22nd Sep 2024
The fun continues in P2/3- we have been busy exploring our new topic and delving...
20th Sep 2024
We have had another busy week in P4 πŸ“ .  In Maths we enjoyed looking...
20th Sep 2024
It was a busy week in Primary 6 β˜€οΈ The weather was perfect so we took some of...
16th Sep 2024
The Hive has been very busy since starting back in September with our new topic:...
15th Sep 2024
We had lots of fun creating our own flash cards to help us with our spellings....
9th Sep 2024
We have had so much fun settling into Primary 7. The children worked together to...
9th Sep 2024
Primary 5 used AI on Adobe Express to create images of Grandma from "George's Marvellous...
8th Sep 2024
We have had a busy but enjoyable first week in primary 4. We enjoyed writing our...
6th Sep 2024
In P2/3 this week we started our new topic of 'Amazing Africa!' πŸŒŸπŸ¦’πŸ—πŸ¦“πŸ¦We...
1st Sep 2024
We have made a fantastic start to the school year! The children have been settling...