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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

A busy week in P2

20th Oct 2023

What a busy week we have had in P2 this week!  We started the week off on Monday with getting our school photos taken and some of the children had fun measuring out the different ingredients needed to make our play dough.  On Tuesday we learnt a new song about the magic hen in Jack in the Beanstalk and wrote some sentences about her.  Wednesday, we enjoyed a fabulous and fun assembly from Crown Jesus ministries and all their wonderful puppet friends.  On Thursday we checked on the progress of our beans that we planted last week to see how well they are growing and learnt about their life cycle.  We also had fun copying and creating patterns with lots of different maths resources.  We finished our week practising our throwing and catching skills in PE.  Phew!  P2 are ready for a lie down.