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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim
Parent Consultations take place between Monday 3rd- Thursday 6th March 2025 - P1-P6
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P4 - Friday Fun 🀩

7th May 2022

P4 enjoyed a very wet walk to the library but that didn’t dampen their spirits! They enjoyed learning all about how to join the library and how many books you can take out. We enjoyed listening to some wonderful stories related to our new topic, β€˜Mini Beasts’ πŸ•·πŸž. We also got some free time to explore the library and find some interesting books of our own. 🌟

P4 have been collaborating with P3 on an ICT project. They’ve had to work together to do research and discuss how to present it in a video format. I’m very excited to see their finished work 🀩