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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

P4 Round Up 🌟

11th Feb 2023

We’ve worked so hard on our mental maths skills and developing our quick recall of our times tables. P4 have also been working hard on their time skills which can be very difficult. They enjoyed making their own clock helping them to understand different parts of the clock

We’re still developing our use of verbs and time connectives especially in our instructional writing ✍️ We enjoyed making Top Hats and writing step by step instructions.😋

Our Topic has been ‘Transport’ and we enjoyed creating paper planes and measuring how far they flew. ✈️

This week we enjoyed working together for our Internet Safety challenges. We discussed all the ways we use the Internet and top tips to stay safe 😊🌟. We also got creative and made lovely Valentines Day cards ❤️