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Crumlin Integrated Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

P5 in pictures! 😁📸

14th May 2022

We’ve had a busy few weeks in P5 and have been working hard! ✏️ We have just started our new myths and legends topic and this week we explored the differences between myths and legends and created our very own Medusas! 🐍 We’ve been working hard on percentages, decimals and fractions in Numeracy and have been writing balanced arguments in Literacy on whether or not animals should be kept in captivity. 🦁🐻 We also started our digital collaboration with P6 on ‘The art of flight’, exploring how best to make a paper airplane, which will continue into next week also.✈️ Lastly, we have been loving our Friday sessions with Paddy from Ulster GAA. Well done P5 on a great start to the summer term! 😁👏🏻