The North Pole Adventure begins.....☃️❄️🛷
29th Nov 2024
In P2/3 we have enjoyed beginning our new topic of 'Amazing Adventures'. Feeling inspired by our class novel, 'Flat Stanley' we have been busy planning our own adventure stories and are very excited by our new role-play corner which takes us on a North Pole Adventure! ☃️🛷Our little elves have been sorting out all the Christmas post and even found Elsa and Olaf outside in the snow!❄️We got creative painting the Northern lights and making snowmen☃️✨Enjoy taking a look at the fun so far🙂
Crumlin Integrated Primary School, 27 Mill Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, BT29 4XL Telephone:- (028) 94 422 357